Residential & Commercial T-Cool Infill Solutions
Cooling artificial turf for comfort, safety, and performance.
TºCool® Infill - 50 lbs. bag
Synthetic Turf GETS HOT! So how do you cool it?
Artificial synthetic turf provides the benefits of cushioning, enhanced durability, fiber support, and easy maintenance…while also offering an “all-weather” alternative to natural grass surfaces.
For decades, however, one negative characteristic of synthetic turf has been experienced but not resolved. During warm weather months, synthetic turf of all types has the potential to GET HOT, Really HOT…consistently reaching temperatures of 140ºF to 160ºF+ degrees.
TºCool® is an innovative evaporative turf infill cooling technology that reduces synthetic turf surface temperatures by 30°F to 50°F…without compromising your artificial turf’s performance and benefits.
T°Cool® is an eco-friendly solution that cools synthetic turf by coating the turf infill. To create this evaporative cooling effect T°Cool® simply requires hydration in the form of irrigation, rainfall, or humidity to continuously activate – making it the only proven synthetic turf cooling infill that cools the entire synthetic turf system for sustained periods of time.
T°Cool® is the perfect pet turf infill solution to keep artificial pet turf, artificial lawn turf and artificial putting green turf from overheating. You, your pets and your kids will feel the difference.
If you want cool turf, you NEED T°Cool®.

Schedule a consultation today to learn how All Things Turf can transform your space.